Using the old Master of MultiSim databases in New Versions You can see a list of the differences between the versions of education here.

Not all versions of Multisim include analysis of transfer functions, in particular the student version does not have this analysis. In my college manual, that I'm supposed to run an analysis of transfer function in Multisim, which is supposed to be located in the analysis of the menu drop down, but I can't find this option analysis. Using Multisim 11.0, unable to find a transfer function analysis Use a small resistor (1mOhm will do in your case) in series with the generator output functions to break the loop short-circuit. The problem is that in your circuit, the inductor in parallel with a source of internal tension unit. Party a pole / zero analysis is linearizing circuit using an operational RODC analysis, in which a driver acts as a short circuit. Problem with pole-zero analysis using multisim